

A New Iris Location Alogrithm
摘要 针对目前已有的虹膜定位算法存在的局限性,提出了一种利用虹膜图像边缘图像以及虹膜的几何特征进行虹膜定位的算法,先利用Canny算子提取虹膜的灰度边缘图像,然后通过虹膜的圆特性对虹膜进行粗定位,最后利用变圆模板精定位.实验结果表明,该方法提高了准确度和速度,有效地解决了目前算法处理包含大量脸部区域的虹膜图像时遇到的困难。 Owing to the limitation of the existing iris location algorithm, a new iris location algorithm using geometric symmetry feature and detection from gray scale image is presented. First, the Canny detector is used to extract iris edge. Then, geometric features of circle are used for estimating the edge of iris. Finally, circular edge template is used to locate precisely iris' s edge. Experiment shows tiffs method can overcome the difficulties of the existing iris location algorithm likely to encounter if required to deal with images that contain broader regions of surrounding face, and improve the rate of precise and velocity.
作者 李彬 章登勇
出处 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2006年第4期29-30,共2页 Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic
关键词 虹膜 虹膜定位 边缘图像 圆棋板 iris iris location edge image circular template
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