

To Research the Edition of the Single Copy of Annotation of the Right Meaning (单疏本) of the Mao Poem(《毛诗正义》)
摘要 《毛诗正义》单疏本,可分为两大体系:唐写本和宋刻本。唐写本包括已发现的敦煌残卷以及保存在日本的残卷。宋刻本中,北宋淳化刻本早已亡佚,南宋绍兴原刻孤本残卷保存在日本,日本尚有和刻本,我国亦有嘉业堂影印本。此外,宋刻单疏本中还有蜀本,但已不存。《毛诗正义》单疏本,不仅有重要的校勘价值,而且还能够借以考索《毛诗正义》的原貌。 The edition of the single (单疏本) copy of Annotation of the right meaning of the Mao Poem (《毛诗正义》)can be divided into two greatest systems: the copy in Tang dynasty(唐抄本) and the edition by engraving in Sung dynasty(宋刻本). The copy in Tang dynasty(唐抄本) includes the Dunhuang fragments and the fragments kept in Japan. The chun hua engraving editions in the north Sung have been already lost. Among the Edition by engraving in Sung dynasty(宋刻本) ,the south Sung Shaoxing fragments (i. e. the first and the single edition) has been kept in Japan ;Japan still has the He's engraving edition, and our country also has a photocopy edition of Jia Ye Tang. In addition, among the single copy of annotation (单疏本) ,we also have the Shu edition(蜀本), but already lost. The editions of the single (单疏本) copy of annotation of the right meaning of the Mao Poem (《毛诗正义》) not only have the important collating value, but also investigating the origin of the Mao Poem's real meaning, Justice (《毛诗正义》)
作者 韩宏韬
出处 《河池学院学报》 2006年第6期44-48,共5页 Journal of Hechi University
关键词 毛诗正义 单疏本 唐钞本 宋刻本 the real meaning of Mao Poem(《毛诗正义》) the Edition of the Single copyofannotation(单疏本) the Copy in Tang dynasty(唐抄本) the Edition engraved in Sung Dynasty(宋刻本)
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