Objective To explore the effects of the three - direction cells membrane fluidity and the variation of adhesive molecules expression. (3D) culture conditions on WB- F344 Methods The cells mem tbrane fluidity was detected by fluorescence polarization, and the expression of adhesive molecules were measured by reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR). Results The results demonstrated that the polarization of membrane fluorescence and viscousness decreased in 3D conditions compared with monolayer cultured cells, that means the membrane fluidity increased. The detected mRNA expression of adhesive molecules by RT- PCR demonstrated that on 3D culture and monolayer culture, although various adhesive molecules were expressed, Fn and integrin-β1 up - regulated more apparently and integrin -α5 also elevated slightly on 3D culture. 3D culture conditions can improve the membrane fluidity so to maintain the cell membrane function mRNA of adhesive molecules. Conclusion The and up-regulated mRNA of adhesive molecules.
Journal of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities