
从概念整合理论看常规隐喻的意义构建过程——基于《人民日报》的语料研究 被引量:2

From conceptual blending theory to the meaning construction process of conventional metaphors:a corpus study based on People's Daily
摘要 以Fauconn ier和Turner的概念整合理论为基本框架,针对《人民日报》中以战争域作为其中一个输入空间的常规隐喻语料进行概念整合研究,分析这些常规隐喻的实时意义建构过程和推理机制。通过对2004年与1980年语料的历时比较,可从一个侧面反映出社会事实与社会心理的变迁对语言现象的影响,即西方战争思维及整个世界商业化、全球化对汉语的影响。 Based on the blended space theory developed by Fauconnier and Turner and in view of conventional metaphors with war domain as one of the input space in People's Daily, this paper analyzes the process of on-line meaning construction and reasoning mechanism with abundant examples of conventional metaphors in People's Daily. The comparison of the data between 1980 and 2004 embodies the diachronic differences of social reality and psychology on linguistic expressions, or the influence of occidental thought of war, commercialization, and globalization of the whole world on Chinese language.
作者 王俭波
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期53-56,共4页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 概念整合 常规隐喻 隐喻投射 在线意义构建 conceptual blending conventional metaphor, metaphorical mapping on-line meaning construction
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