In order to elucidate the flavor components characteristics of Eriocheir sinensis, extracts were prepared from different edible parts of Eriocheir sinensis of both sexes; consequently, free amino acids were examined with OPA pre-column HPLC. The results were shown as fallows :There are primary 19 kinds of free amino acids in the extracts from Eriocheir sinensis, and the content of 12 kinds of free amino acids all exceed 10mg/100g including argrine ,alanine, glycine, proline, taurine, lysine, glutamic acid, leucine, valine, tyrosine, isoleucine and serine , In the analysis of free amino acids in different edible parts of Eriocheir sinensis , a common feature of different extracts was a very high content of argrine, glycine, alanine, praline and taurine, which comprised over 50% of the total of free amino acids. This contribution is similar with one of free amino acids in snow crab( Chionoecetes opilio) and alaska king crab(Paralithodes camtschatica). While the different between Eriocheir sinensis and snow crab and alaska king crab is that the content of alaine in the extracts from Eriocheir sinensis is so far high , but the content of taurine in the extracts from Eriocheir sinensis is low than that of snow crab and alaska king crab.
Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University