The author adopts an original approach to apply Said' s theory of orientalism, which is in view of Occidentalism, to Japan. Taking Tanizaki as an example, the author also analyzes the discourse in Taisyoo period in a concrete way. There are three characteristics in the book. First, it not only points out Tanizaki' s discourse of orientalism but also crystallizes his intention of Oceidentalism and self orientalism. Second,the author takes' taste of China' as the breaking point to inquire into the relationship between Tanizaki and Chinese literature and culture, including his pint,of view towards China. Third ,the book investigates Tanizaki' two journeys to China and his communication with Chinese in detail. Moreover, the author also analyzes the influence from his China tour. The publication and translation of this book in China will be of reference value to Chinese readers to understand Tanizaki completely.
Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition