为满足利用信号试验车进行在线测试的需求,建立铁路信号测试系统的信息流模型,提出符合COTS(Commercial Off-the-Shelf,即成熟的商品化产品)、信息融合、信息统一、模块化等指导原则的车载测试系统架构。系统硬件主要采用PXI/CompactPCI数据采集系统、PDA、GPS定位设备、无线局域网设备等;软件采用RT实时操作系统,综合应用多线程、数据库和虚拟仪器等软件开发技术完成。系统已经在实际的铁路信号测试中得到应用,并且满足各方面需求指标,应用前景广泛。
To satisfy the demand of the on-line test, a datafiow model of the railway signal test system sienal dataflow was proposed, as well as the onboard auto-test system architecture according to the guiding principles of information fusion, information unification, modularization, COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf), etc. During hardware realization, DAQ System based on PXl/CompactPCI, PDA, GPS location and wireless LAN were adopted. The system software was constructed based on LabVIEW RT Operation System. Various kinds of programming methods were employed such as multithread, datsbase and virtual instrumentation, etc. Trial test showed that the System satisfies all the predetermined requirements and had improved the reliability and efficiency.
Railway Computer Application