

A Method for Fabricating Au/n-Al_(0.3)Ga_(0.7)N Lateral Schottky Diodes
摘要 用MOCVD生长未掺杂n-Al0.3Ga0.7N制备了MSM结构紫外探测器,并通过电击穿MSM右边肖特基势垒而制成了横向肖特基二极管。器件在零偏电压处的背景光电流为87.3pA。从器件的室温I-V特性曲线计算出理想因子n、零偏势垒高度B0和串联电阻RS分别为1.99、0.788 eV和10.2 kΩ。器件在305 nm波长处有陡峭的截止边,300 nm峰值波长处电流响应率为0.034 A/W。 Lateral Schottky diodes have been formed by a electrical breakdown of the right Schottky barrier of metal-semiconductor-metal(MSM) ultraviolet photodetector which has been fabricated on undoped n-Al0.3Ga0.7N grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Background photocurrent of the device is 87.3 pA at zero-bias voltage. Analysis on the measured characteristics at room temperature shows the ideality factor n, the zero-bias barrier height φB0 and the serial resistance Rs are 1.99, 0. 788 eV and 10. 2 kΩ, respectively. The detector exhibits a sharp cutoff at the wavelength of 305 nm, with peak responsivity of 0. 034 A/W at zerobias voltage and wavelength of 300 nm.
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期694-697,共4页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
关键词 MSM 横向肖特基二极管 理想因子 势垒高度 响应率 光谱响应 MSM lateral Schottky diodes ideality factor barrier height responsivity photoresponse
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