
国内外湿地保护与利用案例分析及其对镜湖国家湿地公园生态旅游的启示 被引量:81

Analysis of Several Cases of Wetland Protection and Use at Home and Abroad and Their Inspiration for Eco-tour of the Jinghu National Urban Wetland Park in Zhejiang Province
摘要 湿地作为一种特殊的生态系统,具有无可替代的重要价值。湿地的保护与合理利用日益受到国际社会的重视。湿地保护开展较早的国家和地区的通常做法是:选择国际上具有重要意义的不同类型的湿地建立保护区或湿地公园,通过制定和实施科学有效的保护管理措施,建成具有指导性的样板。同时选择一些有代表性的湿地作为合理利用湿地环境和水禽资源的示范点,借鉴示范点的经验和做法,指导其它湿地的保护管理、合理利用和科研教育等方面的工作,使整个国家的湿地生态系统朝着良性循环的方向发展。在中国,湿地公园作为新生事物,把湿地恢复、保护和合理利用有效地结合起来,已经受到了人们广泛赞誉。湿地公园的发展,为湿地保护注入了新的活力,也必将推动湿地整体保护事业的更好发展。通过分析浙江绍兴镜湖城市湿地公园开展生态旅游的巨大潜力,并结合国内外湿地保护与合理利用的经验,提出了镜湖城市湿地公园开展生态旅游的几点建议。 Wetlands are a kind of ecosystem with some of the richest biodiversity and important value and functions on the earth. Wetlands are vital life support systems for many communities throughout the world. Wetlands provide goods and services for the health, safety and welfare of populations both nearby and elsewhere. Ecosystem attributes are also possessed by wetlands. Such attributes as cultural uniqueness/heritage and biological di- versity provide wetlands with values. Furthermore, Wetlands have a key role in natural flood control, water supply, purification and the global cycles of nitrogen, methane, sulphur, phosphorus and carbon. Wetlands conservation and wise use has become a hotspot in the world. There is a common option on for sustainable conservation and management wetlands in some developed countries or regions:to select some difference types of significant wetlands and establish nature reserves or wetland parks; to develop and implement of scientific and effective methods for these wetlands; to select some representative wetlands as demonstration sites for the wise use of wetland eco - system and waterfowl; to guide the conservation, management, wise use, scientific research and education of other wetlands through experience and result learned from these demonstration sites and finally bring the whole wetland ecosystem of the country towards good development trend of wetland conservation and management. The concept of wetland parks has become a hot and new topic in China and it is commonly believed that wise use of wetland parks could provide good examples of the Ramsar Conventiong principle for wise use of natural resources. The lessons and experiences learned from several cases studied from Hong Kong, India and Japan can be beneficial to the Jinghu National Urban Wetland Park in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province. From wetlands' conservation and wise use perspective, according to abound wetland tour resources and nature landscapes of Jinghu National Urban Wetland Park in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, some issues to be resolved urgently were analyzed on wetlands and wise use of tour were p y on sustainable resources, and sustainable development and mechanisms or suggestions development of wetlands' resources.
作者 吕咏 陈克林
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2006年第4期268-273,共6页 Wetland Science
关键词 生态旅游 湿地 合理利用 湿地公园 eco - tour wetlands wise use wetland park
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