
试述泰山碧霞元君演进的三个阶段 被引量:4

Discussion On Three Phases of Evolvement of Bixia Yuanjun(Primordial Lady of Emerald Clouds and Heavenly Immortal Jade Maiden) in Mt.Tai
摘要 按照历史与逻辑相统一的方法,可将泰山碧霞元君的演化进程划分为三个阶段。最初,由曹操的名篇《气出唱》创造出泰山云霞仙境中的天仙玉女这一审美意象,曹植、李白等诗人又不断加以描写、渲染,从而使泰山玉女在中国古代社会享有很高的知名度。然后,宋真宗为这位神女易玉像、砻石龛,引导泰山玉女从诗人的作品中走出,走进了香火缭绕的宫祠。最后,明宪宗修宫祠、赐额名,其影响所及,使得明清时期的碧霞元君在京城及全国各地建庙,香火大盛,碧霞元君一名也沿用至今。与此同时,道士们一方面凭着斋醮科仪、住持焚修和承办庙会、营造节庆的狂欢气氛,对泰山玉女进行了卓有成效的炒作;另一方面凭着一片赤诚,兢兢业业,惨淡经营,博得了几代朝廷及地方官员对各种奉祭碧霞元君活动的赞赏和支持,这就使泰山碧霞元君成为中国道教的一大主神。 The evolvement process of Bixia Yuanjun (Primordial Lady of Emerald Clouds and Heavenly Immortal Jade Maiden) in Mr. Tai fell into three phases according to method of unifying history and logic. Originally, the aesthetic image of a Heavenly Immortal Jade Maiden living in Clouds Fairyland of Mountain Tai which was created by Cao Cao in his masterpiece Qi Chu Chang, and this Jade Maiden of Mountain Tai gained a high reputation in an- cient Chinese society for she had been continuously described and drawn by poets like Cao Zhi, Li Bai, etc. Then, Emperor Song Zhenzong changed statures and holed stone shrines for her, which brought Jade Maiden of Mountain Tai out from poets' writings and into prosperous palaces and ancestral temples. FinaUy, Emperor Ming Xianzong built palaces and ancestral temples, altered stele names for her, and all of these promoted the construction of Bixia Yuanjun's temples and rapid development in Capital and other places of China in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and the name of Bixia Yuanjun has been continuously used till now. In the meantime, on the one hand the Taoists effectively sensationalized this Jade Maiden of Mountain Tai by celebrating Taoist ceremonies, activities and temple fairs to construct holidays' atmosphere; on the other hand, depending on their absolute sincerity, hard work and diligent management, the Taoists won the admiration and support of successively dynastic courts and magistrates to all kinds of sacrifice and fete activities of Bixia Yuanjun, which made Bixia Yuanjun of Mountain Tai become one of the Major Divinities of Chinese Taoism.
作者 邓东
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2006年第2期6-11,共6页 Journal of Taishan University
关键词 泰山玉女 碧霞元君 Mr. Tai Jade Maiden Emerald Clouds Primordial Lady
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