
应用团体综合干预疗法提高研究生对挫折的耐受能力(英文) 被引量:4

Enhancing frustration tolerance of postgraduates with group therapy
摘要 背景:挫折耐受力是指个人对所受挫折忍耐程度和克服强度,它受到多种因素的影响。采用团体治疗的形式,尤其是体验式治疗法,在改变受治者在对挫折错误的认知重构的基础上,亲身体验挫折的感受,增加挫折经验,提高挫折耐受“阈”值。目的:观察团体综合心理治疗对研究生挫折耐受能力的增强作用。设计:自身前后对照观察。单位:江苏大学医学院预防医学系。对象:实验于2005-12在江苏大学完成,对江苏大学工商管理、计算机科学与通信工程、机械工程、医学技术、汽车与交通学院、化学化工等15个学院2005年新入学的1200名研究生采用《完美人格》测试手册中“挫折承受力量表”进行调查,量表共有19个问题,所有问题皆为“负面性”问题,如“落在最后,常叫人提不起竞争心”。每个问题有A,B,C,D,E5个程度不同的答案,A表示非常符合,B表示有点符合,C表示无法确定,D表示不太符合,E表示很不符合。每个程度的答案给予不同的分值,最后计算总分。分数越高表明挫折耐受力越强。回收有效问卷1200份,其中70名研究生挫折耐受力<50分,其余1130名学生挫折耐受力均≥50分。随机抽取23名挫折耐受力<50分作为实验组,随机抽取44名挫折耐受力均≥50分作为对照组,两组学生共67名。方法:根据治疗对象的性别、挫折耐受力得分以及学生所在学院的不同,将67名学生分成7个小组,每组约10名学生。采用团体综合心理治疗,选择以音乐为背景的语言诱导催眠疗法,使受治疗者放松紧张的情绪,进入治疗状态。在催眠后,以小组为单位,开展“破冰”心理游戏,以促进小组成员间的熟悉、了解及友谊,营造轻松的氛围。进行认知重构法,改变学生对挫折的不良认知,建立正确的挫折观。除此以外,还应用“盲人摸路”体验式行为疗法和“讨厌的老板”心理剧疗法。在“盲人摸路”疗法中,让学生在蒙住双眼的情况下,在校园内行走,体会盲人生活的艰难。心理剧“讨厌的老板”是由2位学生分别轮流扮演老板和员工。剧情要求是老板对员工无礼的训斥,员工解释、申辩,但遭到老板的谩骂。为了避免老板“炒鱿鱼”,员工只能忍受。表演中,学生体会到被别人无辜的训斥情况下,心理受挫的感受,以增加挫折经历。提高对挫折的耐受能力。在每个心理治疗活动后,还进行了小组、及大组的讨论与分享,促进学生相互学习与成长。治疗过程中,对所采用的多种心理治疗进行了整合。治疗结束再进行挫折承受力量表问卷测试。主要观察指标:①治疗前后挫折耐受力均分比较结果。②不同挫折承受力学生治疗前后挫折耐受力均分比较结果。结果:发放问卷67份,共收回有效问卷57份,其余10份,因填写不全而无效。其中实验组19份,对照组38份,总回收率为85.1%。①治疗前后挫折耐受力均分比较结果:57名学生治疗前挫折耐受力均分为(54.4±8.90)分,而经治疗后挫折承受力总均分为(58.70±10.94)分,明显高于干预前(t=3.08,P<0.05)。②不同挫折承受力学生治疗前后挫折耐受力均分比较结果:挫折承受力均分<50的学生经干预后挫折承受力均分明显高于干预前(t=3.49,P<0.05)。结论:团体综合干预,尤其是心理剧等挫折体验疗法能有效提高学生的挫折承受力。 BACKGROUND: Frustration tolerance, affected by many factors, is a kind of ability that an individual can endure and overcome the adversity. This research would adopt group therapy, especially the experienced therapy. On the basis of helping clients rebuilt cognition, this research would make clients experience frustration by themselves, increase frustration experience and enhance the threshold value of frustration. OBJECTIVE : To observe the enhancing effect of group therapy on frustration tolerance of postgraduates DESIGN : Self-control observation SETTING : Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical College of Jiangsu University PARTICIPANTS: This experiment was conducted in Jiangsu University. A total of 1200 fresh postgraduates enrolled in 2005 from business administration, computer science and communication engineering, mechanical engineering, medical technology, automobile and traffic and chemistry and chemical engineering colleges were screened with "frustration tolerant questionnaires" from "perfect personality testing handbook". There wore 19 questions in this questionnaire. All of these questions wore negative, for example, you did not want to compete with others when you were behind others. There were A, B, C, D, E five scales for every question. The different answers will have different scores. A represented extremely coincidence, B represented slight coincidence, C represented unknown, D represented discrepancy, and E represented very discrepancy. Different answers corresponded to different scores. The total scores wore given at last. The higher the scores wore, the more severe the anxiety scale was. There wore 70 postgraduates whose scores of frustration tolerant were below 50, the scores of the other 1 130 postgraduates were equal to or morethan 50. Twenty-three students were Sampled randomly, whose scores of frustration tolerance were below 50 as an experimental group. At the same time, 44 ones with scores of frustration tolerance over or equal to 50 wore sampled as a control group. There were 67 postgraduates in the two groups. METHODS: Sixty-seven postgraduates were divided into 7 groups with 10 in each group according to gender, scores of frustration tolerant and different colleges. We adopted group therapy. Firstly, we chose language induction based on background music for hypnotherapy, and placed the clients at ease and into therapeutic state. After hypnosis, we developed a game "breaking ice" which would help clients understand each other and make a comfortable atmosphere. Next, we carried on the cognitive rebuilt to change the bad cognition of the students, and help them foster the right thought of frustration. Besides, we had an activity "blind looking for road" and a psychodrama and ”beastly boss". During the treatment of “blind looking for road", the students' eyes were blindfolded, and they walked through the campus to experience the hard life in blind. During the play of "beastly boss", one of them acted a boss, and other one acted an employee, then.by turns. The story was that a boss scolded an employee in a rough manner, an employee explained, pied, but the boss went on inveighing. In order to avoid being fired, the employee had to chokes down. In the act, the students would taste the frustrated feeling when rebuked innocently, and thus the students would get experience of frustration and enhance their patience. After every activity, we divided them into small and big groups, then let them talk and share, to give mutual study and promotion. In the process, we integrated all the approaches and organized them naturally to heighten the effect of the treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Comparison of mean scores of frustration tolerance before and after treatment. ② Comparison of mean scores of frustration tolerance before and after treatment among clients with different frustration tolerances. RESULTS : Sixty-seven questionnaires were handed out, and 57 effective questionnaires were collected in total by the end of treatment, and the other 10 questionnaires were invalid due to incomplete filling. Nineteen of effective questionnaires were from experimental group and 38 from control group. The total retrieved rate of questionnaires was 87.7%. The mean scores of frustration tolerance of involved 57 postgraduates before treatment were significantly higher than those after treatment [(54.4±8.90) points vs. (58.70±10.94) points, t =0.38, P 〈 0.05). The mean scores of frustration tol- erance of postgraduates with mean scores of frustration tolerance 〈 50 points wore significantly higher after treatment than before treatment (t =3.49, P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: Group therapy, especially psychodrama and other frustration experience therapies can effectively enhance the frustration tolerance of clients.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第17期3451-3453,3456,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
基金 2005年江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目(05SJD840007)~~
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