In light of the working status of No.5 generator' s seal oil pad and seal oil systemin Huaneng Dezhou Power plant 3rd phase project,the analysis held that,when single flow ring - seal pad was used, the basic Cause for seal oil flow abnormal increasing during start-up was the rising of lubrication oil tenoerature.The lowering ofoil level in the seal oil tank resulted from the increasing of oil supply of seal oil system, while the make - up oil fore the oil tank was less than the oil supply. consequently the corresponding measures was proposed.For example,the terrperature of lubrication oil during turning of unit was controlled at about 32 ℃,and the oil temperation of lubrication oil tank was: raised at least to 35 ℃ bef3re impulse starting etc. The test proved these measures were correct.
Electrical Equipment