目的 寻求一种高效、优质药物防治家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病。方法 (1)60只健康兔分4组,第1、2组分别注射球虫清缓释剂、球菌清缓释剂,第3、4组分别用伯氨喹啉、地克珠利+氟哌酸拌料日常饲喂,于d2、5、7、15、30口服球虫孢子化卵囊,隔10d取粪查卵囊,观察保护率。(2)球虫病兔20只分为第1、3组,球虫病及大肠杆菌病兔20只分为第2、4组,分别用上述方法给药比较治愈率。(3)日常饲养兔150只分3组,分别为注射球虫清缓释剂、伯氨喹啉拌料日常饲喂、对照组,1、2、3个月后查卵囊,观察转阴率、OPG值、死亡率等。(4)幼兔100只分5组,前4组用方法(1)给药,第5组为对照组,比较增重率、饲料转化率、节省防治费率。结果 (1)兔注射球虫清缓释剂、球菌清缓释剂后,在d2—20时,攻击球虫,其保护率均为100%(3/3)。在d30时,攻击球虫,其保护率均为66.7%(2/3);而口服伯氨喹啉,地克珠利+氟哌酸防治的兔,在d2—5时攻击球虫,保护率为O,在d10时,其保护率均为33.3%(1/3),在d20—30时,其保护率均为66.7%(2/3)。(2)球虫病和大肠杆菌病兔(1、2组)注射球虫清缓释荆、球菌清缓释荆后d5—60,球虫病、大肠杆菌病的治愈率均为100%;口服伯氨喹啉、地克珠利+氟哌酸(3、4组)后d5,治愈率均为0,d20—60时,治愈率为70.0%一90.0%。(3)球虫清缓释剂组在1~2个月时,球虫卵囊减少率及转阴率均为100%,在3个月时,球虫卵囊减少率为98.9%,转阴率为94.0%,存活率为100%。伯氨喹啉组1—3个月,球虫卵囊减少率及转阴率分别为64.4%~89.8%及33.0%~91、2%,死亡率为22.0%~28.0%,存活率为72.0%~78.0%。对照组1~3个月,球虫卵囊增加78.0%~126.0%,死亡率为46.0%-62.0%,存活率为38.0%-54.0%。(4)注射球虫(菌)清缓释荆比口服伯氨喹啉、地克珠利+氟哌酸及对照组,兔的增重率分别提高71.7%、76.1%、374.6%和69.8%、74.1%、369.3%,节省防治费75%。应用球虫(菌)清缓释荆防治球虫病、大肠杆菌病兔10.5万只,获得经济效益108.67万元(包括增重效益、挽回死亡兔损失、减少饲料费和节省防治费四项)。结论 球虫(菌)清缓释荆能安全、高效、经济、方便地控制家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病的发生,保护幼兔安全度过球虫病和大肠杆菌病高危期。
Objective In order to seek effective method which can control domestic rabbit coccidiosis and the coliform disease. Methods 1st, 60 healthy domestic rabbit were injected the coccidia antiserum controlled release preparation(1 group), the eoccidia (bacterium) antiserum controlled release preparation(2 groups) or daily were fed the primaquine (3 groups), the diclazuril + synthesis (4 groups). Rabbits were infected with spornlated oocysts of coccidium after 5,20, 30, 40, 60 days. The protection rate were examined every 10 days; 2nd, 100 domestic rabbit were divided into 5 groups, the first 4 groups were given a dose of medicine according to the above method, the 5th group was the blank comparison, the weight increase rate, feed conversion ratio, the expenses of preventing and controlling spending saved were compared. Result 1st, from the 5th to the 60th day, the cure rate of coccidiosis and the coliform disease of group 1 and group 2 were 100%. The 5th day, the cure rate of group 3 and group 4 were 0, and after 20 - 60 days, the cure rate were 70.0% - 90.0%. Comprared to group 3, group 4 and the control group, the weight increase rate of group 1 and group 2 were enhanced 71.7%, 76.1%, 374.6% and 69.8%, 74.1%, 36.3% separately, and the expenses of prevention and control were saved 75%. By apply- ing this method to 105 000 domestic rabbits, we obtained the economic income of 1 086 700 yuan. Conclusion The coccidia(bacterium) antiserum controlled release preparation were safe, highly effective, economical, convenient to control the domestic rabbit coccidiosis and the coliform disease. They can protect the young domestic rabbit to live through the crisis of coccidiosis and coliform disease.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology
coliform disease