Objective: Approach depression patient most effective health education method, enhances the patient compfiance and the patient degree of sarisfaction, heighthens confidence which the patient cures, harmonious medical trouble relations. Methods:Chooses 60 examples depressions patient, stochastically divides into the observation group (30 examples) and the comparison group (30 examples), the comparison group implements the conventional health education, the observation group applies the clinical way implementation health education, front leaves the hospital carries on the patient compfiance comparison and the degree of satisfaction investigation. Results:The observation group patient compliance, the degree of sntisfection obviously are higher than the comparison group, the difference has significance( P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion:Applies the clinical way to implement the health education to the depression patient to be possible to enhance the patient compfiance and the patient degree of satisfaction, discusses the effective hexlth education way to the harmonious medical trouble relations, enhances patient curing rate to have the positive sense.
Nursing Practice and Research
The clinical way
The health education
Depressive disorder