
艺术与道德——亨利·詹姆斯小说理论中的自由精神 被引量:5

Art and Morality——The Spirit of Freedom in Henry James's Novel Theory
摘要 本文从人文道德的角度研究詹姆斯的小说理论,认为其中体现了自由的道德精神。詹姆斯把小说定义为个人对生活的直接印象,同时认为艺术的道德价值在于艺术家对生活的感受能力。本文根据克尔恺郭尔的观点,把自由定义为无限的可能性,指出在詹姆斯的理论中,正是个人对生活片刻的印象所引发的想象,个人视角的独特性,个人视角理解生活时所不可避免的困惑,表现了人生的广阔性、多样性和无限性,体现了追求自由的道德精神。 This paper probes the moral dimension of Henry James's novel theory, arguing that James's novel theory represents a spirit of freedom. James defines novel as a personal, direct impression of life, and insists that the moral sense of a work of art depends on the artist's prime sensibility. According to Kierkegaard, freedom means possibility for possibility. This paper, therefore, concludes that it is the imagination aroused by personal impression, the particularity of personal impression, and the bewilderment which inevitably accompanies the personal impression of life that gurantees the infinite possibility and plurality of life, embodying a spirit of freedom.
作者 陈丽 郑国锋
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期74-77,共4页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 亨利·詹姆斯 小说理论 自由 Henry James novel theory freedom
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  • 1Percy Lubbock, The Craft of Fiction; Wayne C Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction; Joseph Warren Beach, The Method of Henry James; Laurence Holland, The Expense of Vision t Essays on the Craft of Henry James; Sarah B. Daugherty, The Literary Criticism of Henry James; Vivlan Jones, James the Critic; Dorothy J. Hale, Social Fomalism : The Novel in Theory from Henry James to the Present.
  • 2Wolfgang Iser. The Act of Reading.
  • 3Roman Ingarden, The Literary Work of Art.
  • 4Beach, Joseph Warren. The Method of Henry James[M]. New Haven, Connecticut:Yale University Press, 1954.
  • 5Berland, Alwyn. Culture and Conduct in the Novels of Henry James[M]. Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  • 6Booth, Wayne C. The Rhetoric of Fictlon[M]. Chicago: The U- niversity of Chicago Press, 1961.
  • 7Daugherty, Sarah B. The Literary Criticism of Henry James[M ].Athens: Ohio University Press, 1981.
  • 8Edel, Leon. The Life of Henry James[M]. Ⅰ,Ⅱ. Penguin Books, 1977.
  • 9Hale, Dorothy J. Social Fomalism: The Novel in Theory from Henry James to the Present [M]. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
  • 10Holland, Laurence. The Expense of Vision:Essays on the Craft of Henry James[M]. Princeton, New Jersy: Princeton University Press,1964.











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