目前国内许多摩托车厂家已推出了电起动方式的骑式摩托车及豪华型踏板式摩托车。电起动必然代替脚踏起动,起动电机将会得到迅速发展。 为提高起动电机的品质,在加工工艺方面要采用高温环氧粉流化处理工艺。此外还要配备为实现摩托车起动电机经济生产的必要工艺装备。
Saddle motorcycle with electric start and luxury motorcycle with foot start are appearing on Chinese market. The author of this paper believes the electric start will replace the foot start and the starting motor will repidly develop. Now in China, high temperature epoxy fluidized treatment is widely used to inprove the electric motor.
Motorcycle Technology