
护生自我防护现状的调查及对策 被引量:15

An investigation of the current situation of self protection by student nurses and our strategy about it
摘要 目的 了解临床实习护生自我防护的现状,以便进行有针对性的安全防范教育。方法 选择2002~2003年在上海瑞金医院实习的护理本科、大专和中专生122名进行问卷调查,采用自行设计的调查表,内容包括对物理性损伤因素、化学性损伤因素、生物性损伤因素的自我防护情况。结果 共发放问卷122份,回收122份,其中有效问卷120份。结果显示:①92.5%的护生有过锐器损伤的经历,受伤后仅有29名查阅了病历,其中3例患者乙型肝炎病毒阳性;②在接触危险性化学物品时。34.1%的护生自觉戴手套;③接触污染性体液时,73.3%的护生会戴手套。结论 护生对锐器伤和化学性损伤的防护不够,对生物损伤的防护措施较好。为避免护生职业感染的危险,在她们进入临床实习前进行系统的岗前职业安全教育非常有必要;校方应积极落实管理阶层规范操作的规章制度;增设学生职业受伤管理条例;提高护理器材的安全性能。 Objective To investigate the current situation of self protection by clinical student nurses in order to improve the education of safety protection. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was distributed to 112 student nurses in our hospital, covering the condition of self protection against physical injury such as injury by medical sharp instruments, chemical injury in the handling operation of chemotherapeutics and sterilizing liquid, and biological injury resulting from the contamination of patients' body fluid. Results During the period of their practice, these student nurses were facing in a serious condition of self protection: the incidence of injury by sharp instruments was 92.5 %, and they did not have sufficient protective measures against potential communicable diseases after pricking wound;they had no good protective measures against dangerous chemicals such as chemotherapeutics; and they had better protective measures against biological injury. Conclusion The college should work out standard operating rules, regulations of school management and set up regulations occupational injury protection of for students. Safety property of nursing equipment should be further improved.
作者 沈燕 王珏
出处 《上海护理》 2007年第1期13-16,共4页 Shanghai Nursing
关键词 护生 自我防护 职业损伤 调查 Student nurse Self protection Occupational injury Investigation
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