针对传统研究多从交易成本角度分析自制-外购决策而忽视企业内部资源动因的情况,提出了一类基于M ICK-4FI资源运营模式的自制-外购决策工具。工具主要由两个矩阵组成,分别用来分析市场需求与资源及资源与供应商间的关系。通过两矩阵中的M ICK资源将市场需求与供应商选择问题连接起来,利用专家打分法将资源和供应商选择的标准量化,再结合工具决策自制-外购问题。文中结合例子详细解释了工具的两阶段具体操作流程。企业可在变动的网络化制造环境中利用本工具进行资源自制-外购决策,因此有很高的应用价值。
Aiming at traditional Make or Buy Decision-Making research analyze the problem from Trade Cost angle, a new tool for supporting outsourcing decision on the basis of MICK-4FI resource operation mode was proposed in this paper. Based on this new tool, the decision making process is divided into two stages. In stage one, we map product, including services, needed by customer into specific MICK resources needed by company using QFD matrix. Then in stage two, we evaluate possible suppliers making use of the evaluating matrix. Under the networked manufacturing environment, this tool could be useful to solute the problem of how to integrate and utilize outside resources to strengthen core abilities of companies in theory as well as in practice.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique