目的 了解医学生的网络使用情况;分析与网络成瘾相关的因素,为大学生网络成瘾的现实干预提供依据。方法以某高校医学院的本科学生为调查对象,用参照Young网络成瘾量表白行制定的问卷进行现况调查。结果 12.3%的学生表现出过度的网络使用,男生(15.8%)明显高于女生(8.6%);来自农村的学生(16.4%)明显高于城镇的学生(9.7%)。不当的网络使用已经对学生的学习和生活产生了一定的不良影响,如影响学习、睡眠、与周围人的正常交流等。过度的网络使用与一些负向的情绪、态度以及行为有关,如有抑郁情绪,浏览色情网站,沉迷于网络游戏,对生活不自信,每天长时间上网等。结论 医学生中也存在较高比例的网络使用过度,不当的网络使用对学生的学习和生活造成了不良的影响,而且影响是多方面的。因此,针对相关因素积极采取有效的预防和控制措施迫在眉睫。
Objective To examine the Internet use in the medical college students and analyze the factors associated with the internet addiction (IA) . Methods The medical undergraduates in a comprehensive university answered the self-administrated anonymous questionnaires designed by researchers including Young' s DQ and Zung' s SDS questionnaire. Results About 12. 3% of students used the internet overly which is also called the internet addiction. Boys ( 15.8% ) addicted the internet more than girls( 8.6% ) ; and the prevalence rate of IA was higher in students from rural area ( 16.4% )than that in students from urban(9.7% ). Overuse of the internet has affected the life and study of students negatively. Many factors are associated with IA, such as depression, browsing the erotic websites, playing games, low self-confidence, spending longer time on the internet every day, and so on. Conclusion The excessive use of the internet has been a notable problem in these students. Some effective measures should be taken immediately to deal with it.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Medical college students
Internet addiction (IA)
Associated factor