In the past few years, studies have shown intimate association between accumulation of ceramide and metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, hypertension and artheroselerosis). The accumulation of ceramide in peripheral tissue obviously associates with insulin resistance. Ceramide inhibits insulin signaling and action, plays a role in free fatty acid(FFA) and tumor necrosis faetor(TNF)-α-indueed insulin resistance. Roles have been proposed for eeramide or its metabolites in steps of athemgenesis. Ceramide can induce apoptosis of certain cells lining the vessel wall, stimulate the proliferation of endothelial and smooth muscle cells in vessel walls, mediate an inflammatory response, and modulate platelet activation and aggregation. Ceramide or its rnetabolites play important roles in regulating vascular tone, and two mechanisms show eeramide might induce hypertension.
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism