介绍了一个应用UCD方法(以用户为中心的程序设计方法,User-Cen-tered Designing)进行有限元网格划分的实例。实例设计采用了尽可能简单的方式,降低用户对计算机软硬件知识的要求;同时考虑到有限元在用户中的普及程度,不要求用户必须了解有限元方法的细节。由于充分地考虑到了用户的要求,因而所设计的软件受到用户的欢迎。
An implementation of user-centered designing method in the pre-processing of FEM is presented. In simple ways, the implementation reduces the demand for the knowledge of hardware and software of users to a minimum degree. In respect to the actual familiarity of users with FEM,few details about FEM have to be studied by the users. As a result of the full consideration of users' requirements,the software is well welcomed.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute