
Looking for Help in the Translation Process——The Role of Auxiliary Texts in Translator Training and Translation Practice 被引量:26

Looking for Help in the Translation Process——The Role of Auxiliary Texts in Translator Training and Translation Practice
摘要 The article analyses translation from a pedagogical point of view,focussing on the necessity of'jumping over the culture hurdle'and using existing texts from the target culture as a tool in the translation process.Tradi- tional dictionaries and grammars often do not provide sufficient or appropriate irformation to allow satisfactory solutions of quite a number of translation problems,especially where stylistic,textual and genre conventions or technolect and terminology are concerned.Therefore,drawing on the useful concept of intertextuality,the author suggests a variety of auxiliary texts which may be useful in source-text analysis and target-text production for both trainee and professional translators. The article analyses translation from a pedagogical point of view, focussing on the necessity of "jumping over the culture hurdle" and using existing texts from the target culture as a tool in the translation process. Traditional dictionaries and grammars often do not provide sufficient or appropriate information to allow satisfactory solutions of quite a number of translation problems, especially where stylistic, textual and genre conventions or technolect and terminology are concerned. Therefore, drawing on the useful concept of intertextuality, the author suggests a variety of auxiliary texts which may be useful in sourCe-text analysis and target-text production for both trainee and professional translators.
作者 C.诺德
机构地区 Heidelberg
出处 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期17-26,共10页 Chinese Translators Journal
关键词 翻译学 模拟测试 平行测试 背景测试 辅助测试 translator training intertextuality auxiliary texts: parallel texts, model texts, background texts
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  • 1DCE (1978): Dictionary of Contemporary English, London: Longman-Langenscheidt.
  • 2Duden (1993): Das groβe Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache, Mannheim: Dudenverlag.
  • 3Hartmann, R.R.K. (1980): Contrastive Textology, Heidelberg: Groos (Studies in Descriptive Linguistics 5).
  • 4House, J. (1977; ^21981): Translation Quality Assessment, Tubingen: Narr.
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  • 6Nord, C. (2005b) Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam:Rodopi. Transl. from the German by C. Nord and P.Sparrow;1st ed. 1991, 2nd revised edition 2005. German original:(11988) Textanalyse und U bersetzen. Heidelberg: Julius Groos,now: Tubingen: Stauffenburg.
  • 7Nord, C. (1997) Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Funetionalist Approaehes Explained. Manchester. St. Jerome.
  • 8Nord, Christiane (1989): Loyalitat statt Treue. Vorschlae fur eine funktionale Ubersetzungstypologie, LebendeSprachen 34 (3), 100-105.
  • 9Nord, Christiane (2002): Fertigkeit Ubersetzen, Alicante: ECU.
  • 10Nord, Christiane (2005a): Training functional Iranslators, in Martha Tennent (ed.) (2005a): Training Translators for the New Millenium. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins,254-275.











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