

The Study on Ecological Actions of Phytoplankton
摘要 浮游植物的生态行为直接影响到整个海洋生态系统的稳定性,和赤潮等生态灾害有必然的联系。在对包括营养物质、光照和捕食关系的浮游植物生长模型定性分析的基础上,进行了模拟计算,初步研究了浮游植物的生态行为规律。结果表明:浮游植物浓度初值及其正平衡点共同决定了其浓度的变化方向和变化速率;在通常情况下,营养物质、浮游植物和浮游动物三者呈周期性消长,但会因为某个因子的过高或过低而被破坏。可以推测:浮游植物的正平衡点的变化与海洋生态现象赤潮密切相关,是进一步研究赤潮预测预报的关键。 Ecological actions of phytoplankton are very important for oceanic ecosystem and red tide. The qualitative analysis of phytoplankton ecological model under different factors such as nutrient, illumination and zooplankton is carried. Based on this, the law of ecological actions of phytoplankton is studied by numerical simulation. The change direction and rate of concentration of phytoplankton are decided by its initial concentration and its positive equilibrium point. Besides, nutrient, phytoplankton and zooplankton fluctuate periodically until some factors are over normal value. In the end, the method of calculating equilibrium point to forecast red tide is suggested.
作者 杨珏 汪德爟
出处 《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2006年第4期29-35,共7页 Journal of Qingdao University(Engineering & Technology Edition)
关键词 浮游植物 生态行为 平衡点 赤潮 phytoplankton ecological actions of phytoplankton equilibrium point red tide
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