
社会人格取向的成人依恋与情感调节 被引量:6

Upon Adult Attachment and Emotional Adjustment of Social Personality Orientation
摘要 文章从成人依恋的社会人格角度,介绍当前的成人依恋与情感调节主要研究,探讨了不同依恋类型者在面对压力事件、亲密关系、情绪记忆中的情感体验、调节等方面的差异,并展望了该领域未来的研究趋势。 reviews current researches on adult attachment and emotional adjustment in the perspective of social personality. It examines the disparities of varied attachments in emotional experience and adjustment in dealing with strains, intimacies and sentimental memories, and also the potential aspects to be probed in the future.
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2006年第6期35-38,共4页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
关键词 成人依恋 情感 关系 adult attachment emotion relationship
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