
一个实用的电子评审方案 被引量:6

A Practical Electronic Jury Voting Scheme
摘要 电子评审是一种特殊的电子选举,由于投票人很少,直接使用现有电子选举方案很难实现安全评审.本文将改进的矩阵传送安全多方求和协议与保密比较协议相结合,采用少数服从多数的选举规则,秘密比较计票结果是否大于一个预定门限值,不泄露计票值就能得出评审结果.该方案具有投票的隐私性、无收据性、计票的保密性和无争议性等性质,满足安全评审的需求;计算代价和通信代价均低于现有方案,容易设计实用的系统. Electronic jury voting is a special E-vottng which has only a few voters.Most previous E-voting schemes are not secure enough for jury voting because their final tallies are public to all voters and each ballot can be easily deduced from the result. Based on the improved secure-sum protocol and the private comparison protocol,a practical electronic jury scheme is proposed, By using the majority voting rule ,the scheme only needs to determine whether the tally exceeds a prc-specified threshold while disclosing no additional information. This method satisfied requirement to enable an electronic jury,including privacy,dis- pute-freeness,receipt-freeness,etc.In comparison with the known schemes,our solution is more efficient in computation cost and communication cost and is easy to implementation.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期178-181,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家"九七三"项目(2003CB317000)资助 国家自然科学基金项目(60573171)资助 安徽省教育厅自然科学基金项目(2003KJ010)资助.
关键词 电子评审 安全多方求和 保密比较协议 少数服从多数规则 electronic jury voting secure sum private comparison protoeol majority voting rule
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