
产业演进下的企业组织的形式及抉择 被引量:2

On Organizational Make-ups of Enterprises and Their Choices in the Industrial Evolution
摘要 企业组织不是新古典经济学抽象下的生产函数,它有它不同的组织形式。在不同的组织形式下,企业组织之间有着相当的差别。同时在现实经济中企业组织并非是新古典经济学定义的天然物,它有其自身的逻辑起点,即是企业家人力资本的间接定价器。鉴于新古典经济学对企业组织的种种误读,本文尝试着从不同的角度去理解企业组织,并分析不同的企业组织形式之间的差异。同时说明为什么不同的企业组织会选择不同的组织形式,并在此基础上建立一个企业组织形式的相机抉择模型。 The organizational make-ups of enterprises aren' t production function as abstracted concepts under the Neo-economics, and they have their particular organizational shapes. The paper points out that among the enterprises disparities exist in forms of the organizational make-ups, and that the realistic economy proves that the organizational make-ups aren't natural things defined by the Neo-economics. Rather, they are featuring indirect pricing-instrument of human resources of the entrepreneur. By exposing the misunderstanding of organizational make-up theory of the Neo-economics,the paper addresses the isssue from different perspectives by firstly analyzing the differences of the diversified organizational forms, and then illuminating why different enterprises choose different organizational make-ups. Finally,a motivation-based model for choosing organizational forms is presented.
作者 隋广军 陈和
机构地区 暨南大学
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期30-35,共6页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(06BJY052) 广东省软科学基金项目(2005B70101007)
关键词 企业组织形式 企业家的企业组织 资本家的企业组织 劳动者管理的企业组织 相机抉择 organizational make -up of enterprises entrepreneurial organizational make -up capitalistic organizational make-up workership-managed organizational make-up discretionary
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