SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age,geochemical and Sm, Nd isotopic results are reported for the Neoproterozoic ultramafic rocks in Yuanbaoshan area of northern Guangxi. The ultramafic rocks have a crystallization age of(841±22)Ma(2σ) gained in this paper, similar to the age about 825 Ma of mafic intrusions in Sanfang-Hejiawan area of northern Guangxi. Petrological characteristics show that ultramafic rocks have remarked olivine peritectic texture with Fo values of 78-83 in olivine. The magma, equilibrated to the olivine,may have the calculated MgO of 7.3 % at most. So the ultramafic rocks are cumulus rocks. Trace elements of these rocks are low in contents and less than NMORB. On the spidergram,the Nb,Ta, Zr and Hf are depleted but Ti is not. The spidergram has a horizontal-like pattern excepting the depletions of some HFSEs. The most incompatible element ratios have wide ranges, such as w(Nb)/w(La) (0.11 - 0.96) and w(Th)/w(Nb)(0.18-0. 57). The εNd (t) Of these rocks ranges from -1.0 to ±6.5 and most have high εNd (t). These characteristics indicate the magma of the ultramafic rocks may have undergone some crustal contamination. By comparison with simultaneous mafic-ultramafic rocks in northern Guangxi,the ultramafic rocks in Yuanbaoshan area have the highest εNd (t) and suffer the least contamination. The study has found that the mantle source of the ultramafic rocks has comparability with that of the Australia Gairdner mafic dykes (GDS), which is related to the Neoproterozoic mantle plume. For example, the εNd (t) and w(Th)/w(Nb) of them are alike and the lowest w(Th)/w(Nb) is close to that of primitive mantle. The lowest w(Th)/w(Nb), close to primi tramafic rocks should be generated wi sis of the ultramafic rocks in Yuanba tive mantle and far from the continental arc basalt implies that the ulthin a continental plate and not an arc setting. Hence, the petrogeneoshan area is possibly related to the 825 Ma mantle plume beneath South China of Rodinia.
Geological Science and Technology Information