
可跳跃式移动机器人机构设计及实现 被引量:12

Mechanism Design and Realization of Mobile Robots with Hopping Ability
摘要 构建了一个具有跳跃能力的移动式机器人.机器人在较平坦地形下采用轮式移动方式前行;遇到障碍物或沟渠时,可以进行跳跃,从而扩大运动范围.介绍了机器人机械系统的总体结构,给出了机器人的本体结构及起跳姿态,并分析了机器人的运动过程.然后,详细分析了机器人的跳跃机构、跳跃参数调节机构、倾覆翻转机构等关键机构的工作原理,给出了机构设计方案.最后,根据总体设计要求选定了机器人的一些关键参数. A mobile robot with hopping ability is constructed. In the flat environment, the robot moves with its wheels. In the environment with obstacles and ditches, the robot can hop to extend its motion range. The architecture of the robot mechanical system, the structure of the robot body, the hopping stance and the locomotion process are introduced. The hopping mechanical system, the hopping parameter adjusting system, and the overturning system are analyzed in detail, and the system design is presented. Some key parameters of the robot are determined according to requirements of the overall design.
出处 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期51-55,共5页 Robot
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50275078) 国防科工委基础研究资助项目(B0403-053)
关键词 移动机器人 机构设计 跳跃机构 mobile robot mechanism design hopping mechanism
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