
三元非共沸混合制冷剂热力性质算法 被引量:1

Algorithm for non-azeotropic ternary refrigerant mixture thermodynamic properties
摘要 为了确保计算的精确性,文中采用PRHV与Lee-Kesler-P lǒcker(LKP)模型相结合的方法计算混合工质汽液相平衡参数与焓、熵等热物理性质,即利用Huron-V idal混合规则,采用立方型PR方程和过量G ibbs自由能NRTL模型相结合的PRHV模型预测相平衡参数,在此基础上,由LKP多参数状态方程计算的焓、熵等状态参数。文中验证了这种预测方法的可靠性与准确性,此方法可作为系统循环模拟计算中相平衡及热力参数的精确计算方法。 To calculate the properties accurately, a new model which combines PRHV with Lee-Kesler-Plocker (LKP) was proposed. The PRHV model, which uses Huron-Vidal original mixture rules,PR equation and NRTL excess Gibbs free-energy model, is used to predict mixture vapor liquid equilibrium data. Based on the equilibrium data predicted by PRHV, LKP model is used to get the ternary mixture thermodynamic properties such as enthalpy, entropy. The model is proved to be reliable and accurate and can be used as an accurate method for various kinds of refrigerants properties prediction.
机构地区 上海冷气机厂
出处 《化学工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期37-39,共3页 Chemical Engineering(China)
基金 上海市教委发展基金项目(03GK06) 上海市重点学科(第2期)制冷及低温学科建设基金项目(T0503)
关键词 Huron-Vidal混合规则 PR方程 LKP方程 混和制冷剂 热物性 Huron-Vidal original mixture rule PR equation LKP equation refrigerant mixture thermodynamic property
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