本文对家用电器模糊控制开发平台进行分析与设计。平台利用IEC 61131-7中定义的FCL(Fuzzy ControlLanguage)语言[1]描述整个模糊控制系统,并且同时可自动生成标准C语言或其他高级程序设计语言描述的模糊控制系统的程序代码。应用该家用电器模糊控制开发平台大大提高了模糊控制系统设计质量,缩短设计时间。
This paper Analysis and design the fuzzy control software development platform. The platform use FCL which is defined in the IEC61131 -7 standard for describe a fuzzy control system, and can generate standard C language codes or any other high level computer language codes to describe the fuzzy control system automatically. With fuzzy control software development platform , the design quality of fuzzy control system is improved and the design period is cut down. Ke
Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)