研究目的:郑西客运专线中的隧道主要通过黄土地段,最大开挖面积163 m2,为保证设计质量,我院充分吸取了德国DEC公司提出的宝贵咨询意见和有别于常规的设计思路,在把握全局设计的前提下,对洞口边仰坡,Ⅱ、Ⅲ级衬砌配筋,防排水,衬砌局部配筋等细节进行了设计。研究方法:采用ANSYS对衬砌局部进行有限元内力分析;采用瑞典条分法、Bishop法、JanBu法和传递系数法计算边坡稳定;思考在EPC模式下的设计理念,即如何最大限度地将施工和运营期间影响结构安全和正常使用的因素在设计文件中反映。研究结果:通过对衬砌局部受力计算,确定在明洞边墙和仰拱转角处配筋方法和接触网立柱基础附近衬砌局部配筋方法;通过对隧道高边坡的永久和临时边坡分析和比较,确定边坡设计原则;通过对Ⅱ、Ⅲ级衬砌3种配筋方案进行了比较,确定采用单层配筋;确定了排水系统可维护的设计方案,确定了明洞外防水层的设计方案。研究结论:衬砌配筋应考虑弯矩的传递,洞内设施的固定要求,正洞和辅助坑道交叉段的连接;黄土性质和平台高度、宽度设置对边坡稳定影响大;防水系统的设计要考虑到施工工艺和可维护性,通过这些细部和延伸的设计,有效保证了隧道工程的合理、可行和安全。
Research purposes: The tunnels of Zhengzhou -Xi 'an passenger dedicated railway line pass mostly through loess area with the maximum excavation area of 163 m^2. In order to guarantee the quality of design, SSDI fully assimilated the valuable consulting comments and unconventional designing ideas from German DEC company. On the premise of controlling the whole design, the detail designs for side and front slope at portal, reinforcement arrangement for lining of Class Ⅱ and Ⅲ surrounding rock, waterproofing and drainage, local reinforcement arrangement of lining are carried out. Research methods:ANSYS is used for analysis of the finite element internal force of local lining and Sweden slice method, Bishop method, JanBu method and the transmitting coefficients method are adopted for calculating the slope stability. Deliberate the design ideal of the EPC model, that is how to have the factor of structure safety and normal service during the construction and operation period to be reflected in the design document. Research results:By calculating the internal force of local lining, this paper determines the reinforcement arrangement method of the local lining at the corner of sidewall and invert in the open cut tunnel, and nearby the base for drop tube for OCS. By analyzing and comparing for the permanent and temporary side slope of the high side slope of tunnel, this paper determines the design principle of side slope. By comparing for 3 reinforcement arrangement proposals for lining in class Ⅱ and Ⅲ surrounding rock adopt the single layer reinforcement arrangement, this paper determines the design proposal of maintainable drainage system and waterproofing layer in open cut tunnel. Research conclusions: The reinforcement arrangement for lining should consider transmission for bending moment, requirement of equipment fixed in the tunnel, the connection of intereross section between main tunnel and service gallery. The loess property, setup the height and width of platform have a greater influence on side slope stability. The design of waterproofing and drainage system should consider construction process and maintainability. The detail and outreach design ensure the rationalization, the feasibility and safety of tunnel engineering efficiently.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Zhengzhou - Xi'an passenger dedicated railway line
loess tunnel
consulting suggestion
detail design