

Distribution of S-100 positive dendritic cells in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow
摘要 采取10头健康乳牛的咽后淋巴结,按常规制备石蜡切片,用兔抗牛S-100多克隆抗体进行免疫组织化学染色,观察了健康乳牛咽后淋巴结内树突状细胞(DC)的分布。结果显示,在咽后淋巴结中,S-100+DCs不仅分布在皮质,而且在髓质中也有大量分布;在被膜下窦内也有S-100+DCs,在皮质的最外层有较多的S-100+DCs;在淋巴滤泡中,滤泡树突状细胞(FDCs)呈S-100阳性标记,而在淋巴滤泡之间则有少量的S-100+DCs;髓质中有大量的S-100+DCs,多数呈贴壁分布,少数散布在窦腔内。表明,在正常乳牛咽后淋巴结内就有树突状细胞分布,一群是皮质树突状细胞,另一群是髓质树突状细胞。 To observe the distribution of dendritic cells(DCs) in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow, lymph nodes were obtained from 10 healthy dairy cow. Paraffin sections were prepared as usual,and immunohistochemistry staining was conducted with S-100 protein as a marker of DCs. In results, S-100+ DCs were located in both cortices and medullae of bovine retropharyngeal lymph nodes. S 100 immunosraining revealed some DCs in subcapsular sinuses. In the utmost surface zone of the cortices, there were many S-100^+ DCs. Follicular dendritic cells(FDCs) in follicles were stained positively by S 100 antibody. There were a few S-100^+ DCs between the follicles. Many S-100^+ DCs were attached to the sinus lining in the medullae, a few of them distributed, in the sinuses. It was concluded that both cortical DCs and medullar DCs exist in bovine retropharyngeal lymph nodes.
出处 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期67-70,共4页 Chinese Veterinary Science
基金 河北农业大学校长基金项目(2004-06)
关键词 树突状细胞 咽后淋巴结 S-100蛋白 乳牛 免疫组织化学 分布 dendritic cell retropharyngeal lymph node S-100 protein dairy cowimmunohistochem istry distribution
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