
桃褐腐病生防细菌的筛选及抑菌作用研究 被引量:7

Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria for the Control of Peach Brown Rot
摘要 从桃园土样中分离获得88个细菌菌株,采用对峙培养法筛选出8个对桃褐腐病菌有拮抗作用的菌株。其中菌株CE对桃褐腐病菌的营养生长明显抑制,抑菌带宽度为9 mm,并致使菌丝细胞畸形,膨大呈泡囊状,后期细胞破裂,细胞质外渗。桃离体接种试验表明,直接接种病原菌的桃第2天的发病率就达到100%,而接种拮抗菌CE 12 h后再接种病原菌的桃第3天才发病,第4天的发病率仅为56.5%。表明拮抗细菌CE不仅对桃褐腐病菌的营养生长有很强的抑制作用,而且能抑制病原菌的侵染,有延缓发病的作用,将为桃褐腐病的生物防治提供很好的生防材料。 Eighty-eight bacterial strains were isolated from soil samples. Eight of them showed obvious inhibition against M. fructicola on PAD plates during the dual-culture test. Strain CE was the strongest antagonist among 8 strains,and had shown evident inhibition to the hyphal growth M. fructicola. The width of antagonistic band was 9.0 mm. Compared with the control of whose hyphae were generally uniform in shape,CE treatment caused abnormal growth of hyphae, and collapse of fungal hyphae ceils, and cytoplasm leakage. The infection rates of peach fruits inoculated only with M. fructicola were 100% at the next day post-inoculation and 56.5% of those inoculated with antagonistic bacterium CE at the fourth day post-inoculation was conducted in vitro. Antagonistic bacterium CE showed strong inhibition activities on infection,growth, of M. fructicola. Antagonistic bacterium CE was expected as biocontrol material for control efficiency to peach brown rot.
出处 《北京农学院学报》 2006年第4期29-32,共4页 Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture
基金 北京市教委资助项目(KM200710020003)
关键词 桃褐腐病 生物防治 拮抗细菌 Monilia fructicola microbial biocontrol antagonistic bacterium
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