
论汤显祖遂昌善政与戏剧诗文创作之关系 被引量:3

An Analysis on the Relationship Between Tang Xianzu's Tenure in Suichang and his Dramas and Poems
摘要 汤显祖在遂昌期间,关心人民疾苦,驱除虎患,抑制豪强,这些局部政治改革的成功,使他相信用“瞑眩之药”是能够医治明王朝痼疾的。然而事与愿违,他在遂昌五年,虽然政绩斐然,百姓拥戴,得到的却是上级官吏的排挤和地方势力的反对。黑暗的现实既堵塞了他施展个人抱负的道路,也浇灭了他依赖明君、贤相匡正天下的政治热情。遂昌善政与弃官,无疑是汤显祖思想上的一次重大转折。这一时期,也是汤显祖戏曲写作与构思的重要时期。他在此时不仅修改润饰早已完成的《紫钗记》,并开始着手于《牡丹亭》、《南柯记》的构思。《牡丹亭》第八出《劝农》,描写南安太守杜宝下乡劝农的欢乐场景,正是他在遂昌劝农生活的真实写照。《南柯记》第二十四出《风谣》,塑造了淳于棼贤能善政、深得百姓拥戴的动人形象。此剧表现了汤显祖面对当时丑恶的社会现实,向往“南柯”净土的美好理想,是他的创作由爱情剧走向政治剧的开始。 Tang Xianzu's political achievement in Suiting, elimination of threat of tiger, restraln of the powerful and help of the needed in the local, to name just a few, had reinforced him in his belief that Taoism was the panacea for the chronic malady of Ming Dynasty. But the realities turned out to be against his conviction. Complete with the love of his people during his 5-year tenure, he also won for himself resistance from the local power and jealousy and frame-up from his seniors. The evil truth not only failed him in his ambition, hut put out his political illusion of ruling by the elites. Evidently, the adminis- tration and resignation in Suichang proved to be a critical turn in terms of philosophy, as it happened to be a major period for his poems and dramas, during which he touched up the draft, the Purple pin, and went about conceiving Peony Pillar and A Dream In Nanke. The jubilant scene in the eighth chapter of Peony Pillar, Promotion of Asriculture, which describes how Du Bso, governor of Nanan, premoted agriculture in the country, is hut an authentic depiction of Tang's life in Suichang. Wind Ballad, the twenty-fourth chapter of A Dream In Nanke, which portrays the protagonist, Chun Yupen, a sagacious statesman well loved by his people, marks his turn from, love drama to political drama, for he began to show therein his yearn for the promised land Nanke, when trapped by the vicious realities.
作者 邹自振
机构地区 闽江学院中文系
出处 《闽江学院学报》 2006年第6期58-62,共5页 Journal of Minjiang University
关键词 汤显祖 遂昌善政 思想转折 戏剧创作 Tang Xianzu teuure in Suichang philosophical turn drama composing
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