
近代珠三角缫丝业技术变革与社会变迁:互构视角 被引量:17

The Technological Changes and Social Changes in Filature Industry in Pearl River Delta: An Inter-construction Perspective
摘要 文章以近代珠江三角洲缫丝业的技术变革为主线,考察了在这个过程中的社会变迁,尤其是原先以“男耕女织”为特征的自给自足的自然经济体系的解体。文章还分别考察了各利益相关主体,包括技术革新者、原有社会体系的维护者(政府和士绅阶层)以及农民(后来分化为缫丝工和蚕农)在这场社会变迁中的重要行为。最后,文章指出,在理解技术和社会的相互关系上,技术决定论和社会建构论都有其各自的片面性。这一段时期的技术变革和社会变迁表明社会因为技术的组织刚性而产生结构重组;同时,建构中的技术也会因为某些社会因素的影响而被改造。由此形成了技术和社会的互构。 The paper investigates the technological changes happened in Filature industry in Pearl River Delta in the late 19th century, and the related social changes, especially the collapse of natural economic system which embodied the labor division between man and woman. The paper also discusses all the stakeholders' reactions, including the people who introduced the new technology, the government, the gentry and the farmer. Finally, the author argues that, in understanding the relationship between technology and society, neither technology determinates social structure, nor social structure shapes technology. The social changes and the technological changes happened in Filature industry show that technology and organization are inter-constructed.
作者 张茂元
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期23-48,共26页 Sociological Studies
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