This paper deals with a method of domestication and graded-cultivation of Japanesesea-bass larvae, 2. 5cm in average total body length, caught from different estuary. With thismethod. the fry reared in concrete tanks obtains good quality and survival rate.This experimentwas divided into two rearing stages: the first stage was domesticating:dilution, temporary cultuvation and domesticating feeding habits. Dilution was achieved by adding flowing fresh water intothe tanks, and the fry was first fed with living brine shrimp, cladocera and copepoda mixed withmashed-fish. Mashed-fish food was gradually increased in proportion until the fry was completely fed on mashed-fish in 4-5 days; the second stage was graded-cultivation. When thefry grew up, it was screened with special fish sieves in every 4-6 days so as to decrease the density of each tank, then the same size of fry screened was put into corresponding tanks in wnichthey could grow well and have little opportunity to massacre each other. The total fry survivalrate of this experiment was 55 %.and the effect was significant.
Lateolabrax japonicus Fry and Fingerling Cultivation Survival rate