
空间网络路由协议研究 被引量:2

Research on Routing Protocol in Space Networks
摘要 空间网络的开放媒质、动态拓扑、分布式合作、资源受限等特点,使路由协议成为该领域的研究难点,在研究空间网络节点运行规律的基础上,提出一种空间网络路由协议,采用静态配置与动态调整相结合的路由策略,在网络拓扑变化时自动对路由进行调整。利用网络仿真软件NS2搭建了空间网络仿真平台进行仿真实验,结果表明,该协议信令开销较小,具有良好的网络性能,适合应用于空间网络。 Space networks are characterized by open medium, dynamic topology, distributed cooperation and constrained capability, so their routing protocol become the difficult point of the research. Based on the analysis of the running rule of nodes in the space network, a new routing protocol in the space network was proposed, which adopts the strategy of combination of static deployment and dynamic alignment, The protocol will regulate the routing automatically when the topology of the network changes, The experiment is under the space network simulation platform built by the network simulator NS2. And the result illustrates that this routing protocol has lower routing overhead and better network performance, so the protocol is adapted to applying in the space network.
作者 刘军 李喆
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期221-225,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2003AA781011)
关键词 空间网络 动态路由 静态节点 动态节点 space networks dynamic routing static node dynamic node
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