
Fermion Coherent State Studies of One-Dimensional Hubbard Model

Fermion Coherent State Studies of One-Dimensional Hubbard Model
摘要 We present a comparative study of the ground state of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. We first use a new fermion coherent state method in the framework of Fermi liquid theory by introducing a hole operator and considering the interactions of two pairs electrons and holes. We construct the ground state of the Hubbard model as |〉=[f+∑^tφk1σ1hk2σ2ck3σ3hk4σ4 ∏exp(ρck1σ1 hk2σ2)]|〉0,where φ and ρ are the coupling constants. Our results are then compared to those of varlational methods, density functional theory based on the exact solvable Bethe ansatz solutions, variational Monto-Carlo method (VMC) as well as to the exact result of the infinite system. We find satisfactory agreement between the fermion coherent state scheme and the VMC data, and provide a new picture to deal with the strongly correlated system.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期161-166,共6页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10575087 We gratefully acknowledge Dr. H. Jeshker at Freie Universitgt Berlin for his valuable discussions. Thanks are also given to the center 0f Nonlinear Science for providing the powerful sG~ 02000 Computer.
关键词 Hubbard model fermion coherent state density functional theory 费密子 相关状态 一维哈伯德模型 密度泛函理论
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