
Quasi-physical Algorithm for Protein Folding in an Off-Lattice Model

Quasi-physical Algorithm for Protein Folding in an Off-Lattice Model
摘要 <正> We study a three-dimensional off-lattlce protein folding model,which involves two species of residuesinteracting through Lennard-Jones potentials.By incorporating an extra energy contribution into the original potentialfunction,we replace the original constrained problem with an unconstrained minimization of a mixed potential function.As such an efficient quasi-physical algorithm for solving the protein folding problem is presented.We apply the proposedalgorithm to sequences with up to 55 residues and compare the computational results with the putative lowest energyfound by several of the most famous algorithms,showing the advantages of our method.The dynamic behavior of thequasi-physical algorithm is also discussed. We study a three-dimensional off-lattice protein folding model, which involves two species of residues interacting through Lennard-Jones potentials. By incorporating an extra energy contribution into the original potential function, we replace the original constrained problem with an unconstrained minimization of a mixed potential function. As such an efficient quasi-physical algorithm for solving the protein folding problem is presented. We apply the proposed algorithm to sequences with up to 55 residues and compare the computational results with the putative lowest energy found by several of the most famous algorithms, showing the advantages of our method. The dynamic behavior of the quasi-physlcal algorithm is also discussed.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期181-185,共5页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 The project partially supported by National Key Basic Research Project of China under Grant No. 2004GB318000 and National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10471051
关键词 蛋白质 折叠结构 准物理算法 三维点阵模型 quasi-physical algorithm, conjugate gradient method, protein folding, off-lattice model
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