
并购式内创业中的人力资源整合水平和模式研究 被引量:3

Research on the Level and the Pattern of Human Resource Integration during the M&A Intrapreneurship
摘要 并购式内创业是指通过并购方式进行的内创业活动,人力资源整合水平和模式是并购式内创业过程中的一个关键且有待深入探讨的问题,而以往文献相对缺乏对这一问题的专门研究。本文基于以往并购整合和内创业研究结果,通过深度访谈法获取并购式内创业中人力资源整合水平和整合模式的第一手资料,运用内容分析技术对访谈资料进行结构化分析。分析结果显示,并购式内创业企业一般选择高或者中等的人力资源整合水平;在高整合水平上主要采用基于直接合并或重新招聘的亲理式整合模式,在中等整合水平上主要采用代理式整合模式。 M & A is one of the intrapreneurship modes. When firms start their intrapreneurship by M & A, human resource integration becomes a critical issue. In the field of intrapreneurship research, the previous researches are concerned with the dimension of intrapreneurship and the characters of the intrapreneurs. In the field of post acquisition integration research, the previous researches are concerned with employees' anxiety and expectation on the individual level, and with culture integration on the organizational level, lacking inquiry into human resource integration level and patterns. This paper is an attempt to do research on the level and patterns of human resource integration by combining the researches in both intrapreneurship and M & A. In terms of this research, firstly, based on the related literature and interviews, the questionnaire was specially developed. Secondly, the first-hand material about the level and patterns of human resource integration of 22 cases of M & A intrapreneurship in 18 firms of different size and ownership in the different areas of China was obtained through in-depth interviews. Thirdly, the category was developed, based on the definition of the level and patterns of human resource integration and the previous research results. Then, the first-hand material concerning the level and patterns of human resource integration was analyzed by well-trained three coders. Content analyses reveal that generally intrapreneurs select the high or middle level of human resource integration, and use the pattern of human resource integration of direct management based on direct integration or recruitment at the high level of human resource integration and use the pattern of human resource integration of indirect management at the middle level of human resource integration. The first pattern has characteristics as follows: many managers are replaced; the new high level managers who come from the intrapreneurial organization control the acquired organization; and the acquired organization adopt the human resource practices which the intrapreneurial organization adopted. The second pattern has the following characteristics: few managers are replaced, and the high-level managers who come from the intrapreneurial organization are authorized to manage the acquired organization.
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第1期178-189,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(70232010) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70672046)
关键词 并购式内创业 人力资源整合水平 人力资源整合模式 内容分析方法 M & A intrapreneurship the level of human resource integration the pattern of human resource integration content analysis method
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