自维特鲁威(Vitruvius,公元前1世纪)的《建筑十书》(Dearchitectura libri decem)以来.与建筑理论一样,建筑批评经历了从历史批评、艺术批评到智性批评,又进入哲学和文化批评的阶段。建筑批评与建筑的历史演变十分密切,建筑批评反映了建筑的这种演变,尤其是反映重大的历史变化。20世纪的建筑经历了十分重大的转型,尤其是自20世纪60年代以来,发生了激烈的动荡和变化。随着建筑的发展,这个时期以来的建筑理论和建筑批评本身也经历了根本性的变化,包容了对现代主义建筑危机的回应,探求现代性,引入符号学、结构主义、现象学哲学、后结构主义和解构哲学。一方面,建筑的话语系统已经向哲学及文化理论等领域延伸;另一方面,哲学及文化理论也向建筑领域延伸,这也是后现代时期建筑理论和建筑批评的一个基本特征。
Since Vitruvius, the architectural critique has been undergoing a transformation from historical criticism to artistic criticism and intellectual criticism, now the phase of philosophical and cultural criticism. Architectural critique has a direct relationship with the evolution of architecture, it has reflected the evolution. It has revealed the architecture crisis too. The discourse of architecture is stretching into philosophy and cultural theory, which is also penetrating into architecture, The boundary of discipline is no more so clearly clarified. The transformation and evolution of architecture since 1960s has brought architectural theory and architectural critique a radical change. There are two different tensions in contemporary architecture: the inheritance of modern movement in a transcending way; the other is a radically inverted direction turning to neo historicism. Hal Foster called them respectively postmodernism of resistance and postmodernism of reaction. Both are the formal expression intended to define a new architectural ideographical system.
Time + Architecture