
Recent progress of CERN 39-cryogenic tracking detectors collaboration

Recent progress of CERN 39-cryogenic tracking detectors collaboration
摘要 Significant progress was made by the CERN RD39 collaboration in the development of super radiation-hard cryogenic silicon detectors for applications in experiments at LHC, in particular after its future luminosity upgrade. The detailed modeling shows that the electric field in irradiated silicon detectors can easily be manipulated by the filling state of two deep defect levels at cryogenic temperature. Advanced radiation hard detectors using charge or current injection and the current injected detectors(CID) were developed by RD39. The results show that CID detectors can be operated at the temperature of 100?200 K with much improved charge collection efficiency(CCE) as compared with RT operation. Future studies are developing ultra-hard cryogenic silicon detectors for the LHC upgrade, where the radiation hardness is required up to 1016 neq/cm2, at which trapping will limit the charge collection depth to the range of 20 to 50 μm regardless of the depletion depth. The key of our approach is to use freeze-out trapping to affect CCE. Significant progress was made by the CERN RD39 collaboration in the development of super radiation-hard cryogenic silicon detectors for applications in experiments at LHC, in particular after its future luminosity upgrade. The detailed modeling shows that the electric field in irradiated silicon detectors can easily be manipulated by the filling state of two deep defect levels at cryogenic temperature. Advanced radiation hard detectors using charge or current injection and the current injected detectors(CID) were developed by RD39. The results show that CID detectors can be operated at the temperature of 100-200 K with much improved charge collection efficiency(CCE) as compared with RT operation. Future studies are developing ultra-hard cryogenic silicon detectors for the LHC upgrade, where the radiation hardness is required up to 1016 neq/cm^2, at which trapping will limit the charge collection depth to the range of 20 to 50 μm regardless of the depletion depth. The key of our approach is to use freeze-out trapping to affect CCE.
出处 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 CSCD 2006年第B01期137-140,共4页 Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
关键词 欧洲原子能研究机构 CERN39协作组 低温跟踪 俘获 粒子探测器 研究进展 cryogenic, silicon, particle detector, trapping
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