
机械通气撤离方案的研究进展 被引量:13

Protocol-directed weaning from mechanical vebtilation
摘要 机械通气的撤离一直是临床上面临的重要挑战,近年提出了应用机械通气撤离方案(简称撤机方案)指导撤机。撤机方案包括从评估患者是否具备撤机条件,到自主呼吸能力测试,以及最后气管插管的拔除等步骤。研究显示应用撤机方案指导ICU患者撤机可能减少机械通气时间及住院费用,并降低呼吸机相关肺炎等并发症的发生。 Weaning from mechanical ventilation is a great challenge in ICU. Recently, protocol- directed weaning has been introduced, which usully includes three procedures, daily screening of the respiratory function,trial of spontaneous breathing and weaning. It has been demonstrated that, compared with usual care, protocol-directed weaning is associated with a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, fewer complications and less cost of intensive care.
作者 刘玲 邱海波
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2007年第2期154-157,共4页 International Journal of Respiration
关键词 机械通气 撤机 撤机方案 Mechanical ventilation Weaning Mechanical ventilator weaning protocols
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