
并行机含调整时间成套订单数问题遗传算法 被引量:2

Genetic Algorithm for Whole-set Order Problem of Identical Parallel Scheduling with Setup Time
摘要 为使总加权成套订单延迟数最小,提出了一类新的目标排序问题—并行机带调整时间加权成套订单数问题。多个工件来自多个订单,分属多个不同组类。每个订单有一个权值,每个工件有确定的加工时间、交货期,且需在多台并行机上加工。每个工件只需在任一台机器上加工一次,只有所有属于某一订单的工件都在各自交货期内完工才称此订单成套完工。建立了问题的数学模型,设计了一种启发式遗传算法。通过算例分析及对随机产生的数据进行验证得出,遗传算法对于大中型成套订单问题是十分有效的。 A scheduling problem about maximizing the number of the whole-set orders is presented. There are n workpieces to be processed at time zero in M identical parallel machines. The length of time needed for processing them and the due date vary with each workpiece. The workpieces are divided into some batches and orders. The goal is to maximize the whole-set orders. For the problem some properties are determined, and a mathematical model is constructed. A kind of heuristic genetic algorithm is designed. Finally the simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm for mid or large scale problems.
作者 苏亚 傅青
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 2007年第1期78-81,共4页 Control Engineering of China
关键词 并行机 排序 成套订单 遗传算法 identical parallel machine scheduling whole-set orders genetic algorithm
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