

A Textual Research on Organs of Kuomintang Government in Charge of Checking off and Delivering Articles for Relief
摘要 国民政府时期(1927-1937年)灾荒频仍,出于稳定社会、维护自身统治的目的,国民政府对官方和民间机关、团体运输救灾物品提供免费免税的优惠政策。如要享受此政策,无论官方或民间首先都需要向国民政府有关部门提出申请,并接受它们的核查。通过对有关史料的梳理和考证,自1928年9月至1929年4月间,赈品稽核请运之事是由赈款委员会(1929年3月改名赈灾委员会)和赈务处共同负责;1929年4月至8月,该项业务是以赈灾委员会为主,赈务处为辅的方式进行;1929年8月至1930年2月,此项工作由赈灾委员会负责;1930年2月至1931年8月,由振务委员会负责;1931年8月至1932年8月,由国民政府救济水灾委员会负责;1932年8月,国民政府救济水灾委员会裁撤后该业务又转归振务委员会负责,直到1938年4月该会改组为振济委员会。 During the years from 1927 to 1937 calamities frequently happened. In order to stabilize the society and strengthen its rule, the government carried out some favorable strategies that provided free or tax-free articles for the government officials or the folk groups. The applicants should put forward applications and accept the necessary checking by certain organs. However, our academia had given little attention to the organs. After the textual investigation, the following facts were affirmed: from Sep. 1928 to April, 1929, checking off and delivering articles for relief was in the charge of the Relieving Funds Committee (which was renamed as the Calamity Relief Committee in March, 1929) and the Department of Relieving Affairs; from April to August, 1929, the affairs were mainly in the charge of the Calamity Relief Committee with the assistance of the Department of Relieving Affairs; from August, 1929 to February, 1930, the affairs were in the charge of the Calamity Relief Committee and turned over to the Committee of Relieving Affairs from February, 1930 to August, 1931 ; then the affairs were in the charge of the Committee of Flood Relief till August, 1932 ; after that, the affairs were in the charge of the Committee of Relieving Affairs after the withdrawal of the Committee of Flood Relief till it was reorganized as the Committee of Relief and Assistance in April, 1938.
作者 武艳敏
机构地区 复旦大学历史系
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第1期88-91,共4页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 国民政府 稽核请运 赈品 机关 意义 厘清 Kuomintang government checking over and delivering articles for relief organ significance clarification
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