文章根据随机成本前沿理论,运用面板数据模型(panel date)和多元回归分析方法,测算了我国商业银行的前沿效率值(2000-2004年),并对其决定因素进行了分析。结果表明,银行效率的提高来源于多元化的产权结构、充足的银行资本金、资产质量、人力资本、市场竞争程度等。
Basing on C - D function and using stochastic frontier approach, this article computers efficiency of commerical banking ranged from 2000 to 2004 and investigates the determinantes of banking efficiency. The empirical result shows that several factors affects the level of the efficiency, including the assetts quality, the structure of property rights, human capital, market competition.
East China Economic Management