[ObjectivelTo study the value of Living clue cell grading in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV). [Methods]Five hundred BV patients were diagnosed by clinical symptoms and THMMDI-UP and graded according to the ratio of Biving clue cell in the epithelium with THMMDI-UP. [Results]There was no difference between patients with BV and without BV when the ratio of Living clue cell was epual to or over 20% and less than 40% (+)( P 〉0. 05). There was however significant difference between them when the ratio of clue cell was above 40%(++~++++). When the ratio of Living clue cell was equal to or above 40% ,the sensitivity and specificity rates were 100 % and 95.5% respectively in the BV diagnosis. [Conclusion]Living Clue cell grading by THMMDI-UP could be considered as a semiquantitive index in the BV diagnosis. It is better than traditional Gram's stain with simpler operation.
Journal of Clinical Research