
P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗真菌耐高温及稳定性试验的研究 被引量:1

Study on the Effect of Anti-Fungus,High Temperature Resistance and Stability of Nanometer Silicon Dioxide Added with Silver
摘要 目的:研究P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌粉抗真菌效果及耐热性和稳定性。方法:(1)测定不同浓度,不同作用时间的抗真菌率。(2)耐高温和稳定性测试。结果:P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌粉浓度越高抗真菌效果越好,作用时间越长抗真菌效果越好。最小抑菌浓度,P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌粉(含银0.35%)1 g+5 mL水与白色念珠菌作用20分钟平均抑菌率可达70.21%。P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌粉置于94℃电热恒温水浴锅中放置14天后,配制浓度为1 g+5 mL的药液与白色念珠菌作用20分钟,抗真菌率仍可达到56.25%。结论:P型纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌稳定性很好,耐高温、不失效。 Objeetive: Study the effect of anti-Fungus, high temPerature resistance and stability of with Model P's nanometer added with silver. Methods: First, determine the different density and anti- Fungus rate in different function time. second, test of high temperature resistance and stability. Results: the higher density ofthe anti- bacteria powder ofP-Type nanometer silicon oxidize added with silver, the longer of the functioning time,the better of the anti Fungus result. The minimum of anti-Fungus concentration, the processing of P-type nanometer silicon dioxide added with silver (content of silver0.35%)1 g+5 mL of water with canidia Albicans for 20 minutes, the average rate of anti-Fungus can reach 70.21%. After having put anti-bacteria powder of P-type nanometer silicon oxidize added with silver in a 94 ℃ constant temperature power heated container for 14 days and making up medical fluid with a concentration of I g+5 mL and functioned with canidia Albicans for 20 minutes, its anti-Fungus rate still could be as high as 56.25%. Conclusions: That the stability of P-type silicon oxidize added with silver is good, it can resist high temperature and function well.
出处 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第1期38-40,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
关键词 纳米二氧化硅载银抗菌粉 稳定性 耐高温 nanometer silicon oxidize added with silver stability high temperature resistance
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