2Jerry L. Mashaw,Administrative Due Prooess the Quest for a Dignitary Theory, in Boron Universiry Law Reres, Vol.61,1981.
3Jerry L. Mashaw,Due Prooess in the Administrative State,1985 by Yale University Press.
4R. Saphire, Specifying Due Process Values:Towards a More Responsive Approach To Prccedural Protection,in University of Pesylvanis Law Review, Vol, 127,1978.
5Stewart,The Reformation of American Administrative Law,88Harvard Law Review,1975.
6Robert S. Summers,Evaluating and Improving Legal Process-A Plea for "Process Value", in Cornell Law Review,Vol. 61,1981., pp. 885 - 931.
7Gerald J. Postema, the Principle of Utility and the Law of Procedure: Bentham's Theory of Adjudication, in Georgia Law Review, Vol. 11.1977.
8E. Pincoffs, due Proeess, Fraternity, and a Kantian Injunction,in Due Process,Pennock and Chapman ( eds. ) ,pp.172-181.
9E. Pincoffs,Due Process,Fraternity,and a Kantian Injunction,in due Process,Pennock and Chapman(eds.) ,pp. 172 -181.
10Jerry L. Mashaw, Administrative Due Process: the Puest for a Dignitary Theory, in Boston University Law Review, Vol.61,1981.