In this paper authors report that the effect of operative treatment of nasosinusitis under endscope and the adjuvants action by medicthel herbs.160 patients with chronc nasosinusitis complicated by nasal polyp or nasal cyst (group A) were treated by this therapy and were compared with 66 patients (group B) the only by operative treatment under endoscope with out adjuvant by medicinal herbs.After operation,in following up 6-12 months,the repeated endoscopy showed that the cure rate of chronic nasosinusitis in group A and group B were 84.1% and 60%, respectively.The relapse rate of nasosinusitis complicated by nasal polyp in group A and group B were 10.2% and 21%, respectively.The relapse rate of nasosinusitis complicated by nasal cyst in group A and group B were 0% and 16.7%, respectively.Significant difference was shown between the two groups, (P<0.01).The results suggest that medicinal herbs have beneficial adjuvant action, it may relieve symptorns of patients and decrease the relapse rate of this il1s. At the same time,authors suggest that during the operation,if found the middle nasal concha with empyema or polyiform degeneration should not be retained.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine
Nasosinusitis Nasal Polyp Nasosinus Cyst Endoscopy Chinese Herbal Medicine